Friday 4 May 2012

Safety Tips for Women

Safety tips for women provides you with common sense, day to day measures you can take to protect yourself against criminal activity.

The first and foremost tip for an effective self-defense countermeasure to keeping yourself and loved ones safe is awareness. By constantly educating yourself to what dangers you could possibly face, you become better prepared to recognize these dangers and plan your response.
Each of the following tip articles provide information on real life threat scenarios and how you can prepare yourself to ensure your safety. Having the knowledge and a pre-planned set of actions to take for as many scenarios of danger you may face can greatly improve your chances of not being victimized. 

Basic Safety


  • Always have a mentally rehearsed plan of action, such as what you would do, or where you would go in the event you were victimized in some way.
  • Always be alert and aware of your surroundings. Walk with your head up while displaying a sense of confidence and purpose. When a tiger chases its prey, it never goes for the fastest and strongest. Instead, it picks the slowest and weakest for its meal. The same can be said about human predators. If two people are walking down the street, the less confident of the two will have a greater risk of being victimized.
  • Walk confidently, keeping aware of the people in front of you, behind you and to your sides.
  • Do not assume that because you live or work in a good area that you can relax your guard. Predators come from every economic, ethnic, and religious background. Serial killers come from the ranks of brothers, fathers, grandfathers, cousins, uncles, neighbors and co-workers.
  • Always trust your instincts, if you feel something is wrong, act on your feelings. Studies have shown that most people that have been victimized had a feeling something wasn't right just before they were attacked.
  • Always be physically and mentally prepared to run or escape an attacker, or as a last resort, to fight back. Have a plan of action and keep it simple. There are no absolutes and nothing will work in every situtation; but a good plan of action that may be as simple as running and screaming for help, can significantly improve your chances of escape.
  • Wear sensible shoes and clothing that will not rstrict your movement. It is also a good idea to carry a personal alarm, whistle, key-chain baton, or pepper spray. However, you should seek training on the use of these items to maximize your ability to properly use them. Be aware that items like key-chain batons and pepper spray should never be carried on any form of public transportation or into any building or facility that bans these types of personal defense weapons.
  • If possible, do not restrict the ability to use both hands by carrying a purse, bags or many packages. When walking to and from your home, vehicle, or work place, try to keep only your keys in your hand. If you have bags or packages, push them in a cart, if possible.
  • When you do your banking, avoid a routine. If you carry large amounts of cash, have someone follow you or go with you.
  • Always tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • If you feel that you are in danger, never feel awkward or embarrassed about enlisting the help of others.
  • If someone attempts to rob you with a weapon, try to keep very calm and do not make any quick movements. Cooperate with the predator by giving them any valuables they may be demanding from you.
  • If someone attempts to force or con you into going with them, turn and run "like lighting" while screaming at the top of your lungs for help.
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